Thursday, 12 July 2012

Conclusion School Year & Working experience

So. last week the school year has officially ended, and now it's holiday time!
I thought since this was all a really exciting year for me, I should write some kind of conclusion post & here it is.

After I failed last year and needed to completely repeat a whole year, I came into a new class with loads of people I didn't know. In my whole year, of people who are all 2 years younger than me, there was only one person i know, and I felt really lonely at the beginning. It was hard to get used to the situation, and I mostly stayed away from the new people and only talked to my friends from before.
I just thought that I don't even want to find any friends in my new class. Since I had a huge fight with a person very important to me just before holidays last year, and I had troubles with other friends as well, I thought "If I don't make new friends, there will be no new people to hurt me." Because obviously fights and stuff with your friends is loads worse than bullying. And I know what I'm talking bout, srsly.

Anways, the first 2 month have been especially hard for me and I was just really unhappy with the whole situation. Then I saw Jedward live, and that changed most of my life - idk why, they have such a big impact on my life! I became happier over all, and more optimistic, and I started talking more to the people in school, and I made a few friends as well! In february i've been to the birthday of a classmate, and it was the first time i was invited by my new classmates, it made me so so happy!

Also, I got so much better in school than I've ever been before! My grade point average (is that the right way of saying? XD) is 2.7 so rreally not bad at all! I'm so proud - and I even wanna be better next year! It feels good <3

The year was one of the best things that could ever happen to me - though I'm really gonna miss my friends from my old year when they finish school next year :'(

Anyways, I'm excited to start the new school year with all these nice people i met this year again!

And now, to the working experience.
I had to work in a book store for 2 weeks. I've already worked in 2 other bookstores before, because no photographer seems to want me :/
Anways, I love books, and I could always kinda work close to the teenagers/fantasy books and i loved it.
The people there were really nice, and I got along so well with everyone, it was awesome.
The only problem: It was so fuckin exhausing. I swear, you won't believe how heavy books are, and you have to bow down, take them, and put them somewhere in the shelves, which are already packed with books, so you need to move them ALL around to put other books there and it's really just physically exhausting work. I was even allowed to do a little less work because the others said I shouldn't ruin my back, they've already all ruined theirs anyways... D:
It was fun and all, and it was really not too bad, nothing I could really complain about.
But it is DEFINATELY not what i want to do later. no.
But I got a 15€ book voucher afterwards. only problem: the book i want comes out in september. german translators, hurry the fuck up.
(I'd buy it english, but i've got all the other books in german and it would look so nice in my shelve. i will buy all the english ones later anyways~)

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