Monday, 18 February 2013

Choirtrip! ♪♫

So I went on a 4 days trip with my school's choir last week, yay!
Well, it wasn't only the choir, it was both choirs, the big band and the orchestra, and it was the 9th time to go along on that trip for me now, and it's always great fun! We're usually leaving on tuesday morning and we're coming back friday morning. It's only a short time, but a nice time!

This time we stayed in another town than usually, and.... well it was different :D
Our little group of 5 had the biggest room on the floor! Yay! And the youth hostel was not too bad actually... but it didn't have one of the big halls we usually spend the last evening at and the food was seriously THE WORST. I basically only ate cookies the whole week. I tried eating their food but got sick from it, yay -.-

But other than that it was a nice trip, really, and I had loads of fun!

On Tuesday, when we arrived, the first thing we did was having lunch - Ravioli - and the only lunch that actually tasted nice and didn't make me wanna puke my stomache out :')

Afterwards we got some time to get to the rooms and make our beds and unpack and stuff (I basically laid on the bed the whole time. who the heck even unpacks for 3 and a half days? I don't!). Just about 2 hours later we went for a walk through town, discovering the most useful store they have (and proabably the only big food store? omfg) where everyone did their daily cookie and other sweets shopping, and we went to visit a castle! I still have no clue what it was called, and though I wanted to go inside, I was the only one who wanted to, and we were not allowed to to stuff alone *sigh*

Stop-motioned myself in an attempt to try my new wireless remote release - it works! :D

The next day we did something EVEN MORE EXCITING! We visited STONES
(No but honestly. Stones.)
The 'Externsteine' who are famous. For being literal stones. HUGE stones, with stairs and a bridge and stuff and they are pretty epic actually.

Lovely. Thanks Jana for the Photo :D

Awesome stones!

Last evening of the trip make-up :3
(I felt odd without my bangs *sigh*)

Napping on random shelves.
I think they were actually for suitcases?
Idk but i didn't unpack anyways so no use of these things there :'D

The ride back home on the next day was AWFUL 
no really. Basically almost all of the boys, Jana and I stayed awake all night - we got some sleep at like 5.45am, for 2 hours, of which one was on a wooden bench, very much like the lovely shelve. 
I was TIRED, and I wasn't able to sleep on the bus, and certain things (more like people) got me to think a lot about the time I spent in school, since this might have been my last choir trip and I randomly started crying, school could've been so much better!
I could've made more friends!
I could've been less shy!
I basically send 6 years liking one and the same guy, being in a relationship for one month, ending it all with the most ridiculous and hysteric drama ever - only to forget I ever had feelings for him a week later :')
I could've loved more, 
I could've had so much more fun!
Instead, I let those bastards bully me and make it hell, without even tryna make it better!
Ahhhhh I regret it so much!

There will probably be more pictures on my facebook soon :3

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